Moving On..

It's already been a week and a half since I left Nicaragua. Time lately goes so fast it's a blur some days. Many of you have ask how I am doing and some days I can answer great, other days I just don't know how I feel.

I have not honestly had a chance to process everything. I came home and went straight to work and haven't stopped since.

I've had many many conversations with God about Oscar. He's shown me things I didn't even think about during the rough times of his sickness.

There were literally 1,000's of people praying for him each day and especially during the last days. 1,000's of people, most totally strangers to him. Churches in Kenya had a prayer vigil for him for 3 days. They never have even met me much less Oscar.

The very fact that people cried out to God on his behalf is a miracle of itself. People who don't actively pray daily were praying for him. The faith of many individuals were stretched, not to mention how much mine alone was.

I have questioned God over and over why this had to happen. He was so young and could have given a great testimony of God's amazing power. Would he have affected as many people has he did already? Who is to know but God.

So, I rest in knowing that my little buddy Oscar, age 8, changed 1,000's of peoples faith in prayer. God had the opportunity to have an intimate time with people who had not talked to him in a long long time. That's something hardly any of us can accomplish.

I am honored to have been a part of his life and as the days pass I will come to peace with knowing that God's will was done in Oscar's life and he is know in heaven, healed, whole and sitting with Jesus.

I know I have said thanks many times to you for everyones part in this but thank you is not enough. God will bless you more than words will ever say but all I can give is my heart felt gratitude for your kindness in all this.

I was blessed to receive enough money to pay in full Oscar's funeral arrangements. Thanks so much to all who contributed toward this expense, you can't imagine what a blessing you were to me to help a child you didn't even know.

The family is very grateful and is now waiting to hear the outcome of mom's sentence. She has been told she will have to report back to prison on Wednesday. Please pray they have mercy on her. We have been told twice the judge has agreed to free her but the general attorney has over thrown him. She is still dealing with pain from the surgery and if she is put back in prison she will not receive any medical attention unless it becomes severe.

I have trusted God through it all for Oscar so know I trust him for Francisa. He knows her future also.

I am putting together a tribute of pictures of Oscar for my website. I'll let you know when I am finished.

God Bless all of you,
