January 2015 Newsletter

2014 was an amazing year so I am excited to see what God's plans are for 2015. Every year I stand in amazement of His blessings into this ministry and year after year He tops the year before. Our trip in December was awesome. There were 6 of us. My husband Terry, David Eason, Tiffany Fusion, Sara Harvey and our Nicaraguan buddy Ralphie. Together along with our Nicaragua team we had a full week. The enemy worked overtime on us that week as each of us fell sick with a stomach virus that actually came from the states but all of us pressed through it and had a great time.

Our first day in Nicaragua was Thursday and the graduation day of our seniors. I felt like a proud Momma. We had 7 kids who graduated from high school, 11 from middle school and 4 from preschool. One of the seniors actually stood in front of everyone and thanked all the sponsors she has had and Terry and I on behalf of each student who graduated. It was very special. Click here to view the pictures.

Our second day was spent blessing the kids. We have 106 kids who are attending school next year and this was their celebration day. Each child received their package that included a uniform, socks, shoes and a backpack along with some school supplies. Additionally, each child received a toy gift bag that was donated by Ambassadors To The Nations. If you sent a gift or letter to your child they also received it that day. This is always one of the best days of the year for me to see all of them so blessed. Click here to view the pictures.

On Saturday we spent the day with my babies at the orphanage. I took my parachute and some balls and we had the time of our lives. It was so much fun. Every trip is a joy but this was an extra special time. We played and played and laughed even harder. It was only at the end did I find out that some of my favorite kids (I know I am not suppose to have favorites but I can't help myself) would be leaving to return back to their home life on January 4th. This literally broke my heart and I have shed many tears but I have to rest in my prayers that God is taking care of them where ever they are and I praise Him for allowing me to have the special moments I had with them that day. Additionally, the kids had attended church that day and were all dressed up so we took advantage of the opportunity and Terry took pictures of each of them and a group shot. The little boy in the front row is one that left this month and one that will be missed beyond what my words can describe. Pray for them. Pray for God's protection over them.  Click here to view the pictures of my sweet kids.

By Sunday morning I was sick as a dog and very weak but I refused to allow the sickness in my body to stop us so we went ahead with our plans to take pictures of all the families in the community and to bless each family with food and other gifts. It was difficult because I had a fever and could not hug them. Not sure if it was harder on me or them. Each family was blessed with 10lbs of rice and 5lbs of beans and a liter of oil. Prices were extremely high this trip. Pray the price of beans drops because this is the only protein they get in their diet and right now 1 lb of beans cost more than they make in a day which means no one is buying beans. Thanks again partners for making this happen without your help I could not bless these families. Your are truly changing their lives. Click here to view the pictures of the food distribution. Check out the family photos also.

Monday was WEDDING DAY!!!!! Even though we were still sick, especially my husband the photographer, we took the morning to visit my friend Darling and bless her and then we got ready for the wedding. Can you imagine 16 large wedding cakes, decorations and 17 people in a bus headed to the wedding hoping the cakes didn't melt or shift. It was quite an adventure but in the end it was beautiful. We had 15 couples get married and all of them were beyond excited for this day. The church was decorated and the chairs were ready for 300 people to arrive. Each couple came forward as they were called, their vows were said and the kiss sealed the deal and made everyone smile. I was able to share just a little with them about my 25 years of marriage and David Eason blessed them with the Word. Afterwards we fed everyone a nice plate of chicken and rice and most importantly a piece of cake. My friend Gwen created a hand made card for each family with 1st Corinthians 13:4 in it. The brides were blessed with wedding veils and a wedding bouquet and the men were given a boutonniere. Our team member Tiffany even brought dresses for some of the brides to wear. We took pictures of each couple and when I return I will bless them with a wedding photo as well as take the time to talk to them about how the covenant with their spouse is just like the covenant with God. I can't wait for this opportunity. Check out the wedding photos here.

As you see the week was very full and God showed up every day and blessed our team in many ways. Every trip I go I hope I am a blessing to the families yet they end up being the blessing to me.

There were so much more to tell you but it would take another full page of information so I will limit this to say it was AMAZING and I give God all the glory...

Thank you again partners for your financial support, prayer support, and encouragement to keep doing this.

I have a trip planned in March and hope to return again in August and next December. If you would like to join me and see for yourselves how God is changing the lives of these people through you please let me know.

God Bless EACH OF YOU.


ps. Letters from the Operation Education kids will be mailed soon.





December 2014 Newsletter

December is my favorite time of the year. Its the time I get to see all my family in one month. My Nicaraguan family, my blood family and Terry's family. Living in North Carolina and having no family here means traveling is the only option if I want to see them. Terry and I will be leaving on December 9th to Nicaragua to see my Nic family. I am so excited I can hardly control myself. We will be having the wedding this trip with 14 couples and we will be attending the graduations of the Operation Education preschoolers, middle and high schoolers. It will be my first time getting to attend the ceremonies. I can't wait to see them in their cap and gowns. They are so excited and proud of themselves and so are we.

We will return on the 17th and shortly after travel to Virginia to see the rest of my family. We only see my mom and Terry's mom once a year.

I have been extremely busy this month getting all the stuff ready for the wedding. We have had to pay for not only the licenses but for the legal paperwork that each couple has to have. It has made me realize just how poor these people are. For example, here in the US we have a birth certificate and a SSN # that we use as a proof of citizenship, in Nicaragua they have the same type of information. Not one couple of the 14 had in their possession this type of paperwork. In their entire lives they have not had the money to pay the office holding this information until now. We were able to pay to get their marriage license, birth certificates and their ID so they can all be legal in the countries eyes and in God's eyes. This is a huge blessing to them. Now they can use these documents to register for other benefits they have not been able to in the past. From time to time the government will give out free stuff to people but you have to have proof of identification to receive it so now these families will be able to. Praise God for a dual blessing.

Pastor Arturo is preparing the couples with a marriage class this coming week. Pray that any of the people participating who do not know Jesus will see the need to not only get married and make a commitment to their wife but they will make a commitment to Christ.

During our week in Nicaragua we will be joined by two other ladies from Michigan. Our hopes are to bless the families with many things but especially with the Word. Pray we are able to speak to the families in a way that speaks to their hearts. The wedding will be a great opportunity to speak to the entire community at once. I have not had that privilege before.

In addition to the wedding and the graduations we will be blessing our Operation Education kids with their uniforms, backpacks and school supplies. Its an exciting time every year. The kids last day of school is this week and they will start again in February. Thanks to all the sponsors who helped to make this possible.

OPERATION EDUCATION SPONSORS - if you are sending your child a letter I need it ASAP. Please send it in as soon as you can.  If you are sending a financial blessing toward food for Christmas I need to quickly. I will have to deposit it so I can take it out of the bank by Friday of this week. If you are late getting it to me I will only be able to except cash after Thursday so please get it in the mail quickly.

I appreciate another great year on the mission field. Many lives have been affected and none of this could have been done without your support.

**** I have 3 more kids that need sponsors. I don't have pictures of them yet but have their names. If you wanted to sponsor a child and didn't get to me in time now is your chance. I have two teen girls and a 10 year old boy. If you are interested please email me. *****

Here are the prayers needs for this trip. I would appreciate you lifting them up on our behalf.

1. Pray for the hearts of my community to be open. This will be my first visit since the boy was killed by lightening. I hope to talk to them about that also.

2. Pray all the pieces come together to make the wedding the best ever. I want them to have the best day ever.

3. Pray for the fiances needed to cover all the wedding needs and other ministry needs will be provided. God has already blessed me beyond my dreams but there are some other needs that have not been met as of this time.

4. Pray for the hearts of the men getting married to be opened to hearing the Gospel. Most of the women are believers but hardly any of the men are.

5. Pray for safety and protection over our team as well as our families we are leaving behind.

I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and will have a Blessed Christmas. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

God Bless each of you,

Angie, Terry and family

The Power of One Ministry 198 Mellwood Drive Charlotte, NC 28214





October 2014 Newsletter

Operation Education I am happy to announce that all the Operation Education kids were sponsored!!!! Praise God. I am so blessed to be a part of helping these kids go to school and I want you to know it is impossible for me to do this without your support.

Other than finding sponsors for the kids things have been a quite.

If you are one of my sponsors and have not paid your sponsorship please remember it is due by this Wednesday, October 15th. Please try to pay on-time. I have to wire the money as soon as possible to purchased the uniforms.

December Trip - December 9-17th

I am planning the December trip and happy to announce we are having a WEDDING!!!! As of today there are at least 5 couples and we are hoping for at least 10. These families can not afford to marry so they live together. Many of these couples have recently accepted Christ and now want to make things right. I am so excited for them. We plan on making it a beautiful wedding with food, cakes and lots of decorations. I can't wait to be a part of this wonderful moment.

In order to make this happen I am looking for sponsors who would like to bless these couples.

It will cost $25 per couple for just the marriage license, the food for all the guest and the wedding cakes will run around $300 and about another $100 for 200 chairs, wedding bouquets and other items so I am believing God for $700.

If you would like to be a part of this awesome event please either donate online or send in your donation before November 15th. If you are married can you imagine living with your spouse for 10 years or more and not be married simply because you can not afford $25.

I can't wait to come home with pictures. My husband, the best photographer I know is going with me this year. I will have beautiful pictures to share when I get back. I'm so excited...

If you would like to join me on this trip please contact me as soon as possible for more details.

Prayer Needs

Pastor Arturo has asked for prayer for his family. Two weeks ago his son was in a horrible accident and was on a ventilator in a Costa Rican hospital. He is doing better today but I do not have a lot of details. Pastor Arturo has gone to see him. I hope to know more soon. For now, pray for a speedy recovery and no lasting issues.

The rain still has not shown up. It has rained some but by this time of the year they are getting rain for hours a day but right now they barely get some each day. A lack of corn is still an issue and very little work. I am planning on sending money for food to help out but will now have to wait for Pastor Arturo to return. God's timing is perfect so I know the blessing will be right on time for when the families need it the most. Please pray for their spirits to be lifted during this very trying time and for provision in all areas of their lives.

In addition to prayers for Pastor Arturo and his family please pray for my family and the members of the December team, Sara, Tiffany and my husband Terry as we plan for our time to minister in the community. It will be the first time back since the young man was killed so I hope God will turn this horrible tragedy and turn it into an opportunity to tell them how important it is to know your future.

As always thanks so much for being a huge blessing to me and this community. God is doing great things there and I can't wait to see what he has planned.

God Bless all of you,


The Power of One Ministry 198 Mellwood Drive Charlotte, NC  28214 704-236-5550

Donate Online Here - http://www.thepowerofoneministry.org/donate/












August Mission Trip Pictures - Updated

Apparently the first blog post was missing the link to the pictures. Let's try this again.

I went online to view one of the pictures from my August trip and found I had never posted them. Not sure how I missed that one but I did and now I have added them for you to see.

I mentioned in a previous post all the great things our team (Logan, Kylie, Mattison, Steve, David and I) got to do while were were there but I'll give you a quick overview.

1. We gathered all the kids and took their updated pictures for Operation Education 2015. During that time we blessed them with new toys and candy of course. We also had a movie night with them and of course had icecream. (12 gallons of it)

2. We blessed the boys of the community with soccer shirts donated by Castanea Presbyterian Church. Kids from 5 to adults received them and loved them. Thanks Lisa..

3. We blessed the teen boys with cologne and sunglasses and all of them were excited to receive that because cologne there is very expensive and not something they would ever buy themselves.

4. We blessed the soccer team and baseball team with water bottles and new bats and balls.

5. We blessed the woman and teen girls with fingernail polish and head bands for their hair.

6. We blessed the 60 families with 20lbs of rice and 10lbs of beans. Enough food to last them over a month.

7. We had a great church service, many were prayed for and encouraged. At the end they song a birthday blessing song to me and all 150+ people gave me a hug. Here's a link to a video of it. The white stuff they are putting in my hair is talcum powder. It represents health and wisdom.



8. We visited the orphange and played with the kids. One of our team members blessed the orphanage director with a good study book by Andrew Wommack. He also blessed a young girl in the community with a new (very nice) bible.

9. At the end of the week we stopped by the ocean to see a glimpse of God's beauty. A sunset over the ocean.

It was a short trip because I had been there 8 days already but the time we had was powerful and many people were blessed. Thanks to all who blessed me on this trip so that I could be a blessing to others.

Here's the link to the pictures. (Some of them were not very good, sorry) If you sent a gift for your sponsored child there will be a picture of them receiving it.

* First email the link did not publish. Here it is again.



God Bless,



August Mission Trip Pictures

I went online to view one of the pictures from my August trip and found I had never posted them. Not sure how I missed that one but I did and now I have added them for you to see. I mentioned in a previous post all the great things our team (Logan, Kylie, Mattison, Steve, David and I) got to do while were were there but I'll give you a quick overview.

1. We gathered all the kids and took their updated pictures for Operation Education 2015. During that time we blessed them with new toys and candy of course. We also had a movie night with them and of course had icecream. (12 gallons of it)

2. We blessed the boys of the community with soccer shirts donated by Castanea Presbyterian Church. Kids from 5 to adults received them and loved them. Thanks Lisa..

3. We blessed the teen boys with cologne and sunglasses and all of them were excited to receive that because cologne there is very expensive and not something they would ever buy themselves.

4. We blessed the soccer team and baseball team with water bottles and new bats and balls.

5. We blessed the woman and teen girls with fingernail polish and head bands for their hair.

6. We blessed the 60 families with 20lbs of rice and 10lbs of beans. Enough food to last them over a month.

7. We had a great church service, many were prayed for and encouraged. At the end they song a birthday blessing song to me and all 150+ people gave me a hug. Here's a link to a video of it. The white stuff they are putting in my hair is talcum powder. It represents health and wisdom.



8. We visited the orphange and played with the kids. One of our team members blessed the orphanage director with a good study book by Andrew Wommack. He also blessed a young girl in the community with a new (very nice) bible.

9. At the end of the week we stopped by the ocean to see a glimpse of God's beauty. A sunset over the ocean.

It was a short trip because I had been there 8 days already but the time we had was powerful and many people were blessed. Thanks to all who blessed me on this trip so that I could be a blessing to others.

Here's the link to the pictures. (Some of them were not very good, sorry) If you sent a gift for your sponsored child there will be a picture of them receiving it.

* First email the link did not publish. Here it is again.



God Bless,

