Emotional Restoration and a New House..

It can't get any better than this guys. My trip home to see my mom was a very emotional one for me now that I am home.

While I was there it was as if nothing had ever happen between us. My mom not once said anything ugly to me, not once told me how fat I was or even how bad my hair looked. ( Which was an every visit conversation for the last 10 years)

She never put me down not once. Instead she smiled at me and laughed with me and acted as if we were best friends.

You can't imagine how that felt to me. Even now I can't write this without crying.  For 43 years I have done everything I could to receive my mom's genuine love and failed and out of no where she finds a way to give it and doesn't even know it.

My brother has been a sore spot in our lives the entire time and now he is in jail for selling drugs. Just before he got caught he hurt my mom really bad and she opened her eyes to see that all this time he was the problem and I was the one trying to help her. Even on Saturday he lied right to her face at a time he was desperate. She saw him for the real person he is and I hope finally saw Jesus in me. Even though my brother has done me wrong my entire life I showed my mom I could still love him by driving home 5 hours to turn around and drive her 2 hours to the jail so she could visit with him for 15 minutes.

No only was I able to show my mom I still loved her by what I was trying to do for her with my brother but I was able to show her God wants the best for her. Remember the man I talked to about the house? Well he made it to see her and now she is first on the waiting list to receive a NEW paid for by a gov't grant house.

My mom has lived in a house that none of you would stay in over night. She has lived in the worse conditions any one could imagine. It has been her choice, let me mention. Her house is falling down on top of her little by little and there is no heat except for a small coal stove in one room and that' pretty much where she lives all winter long. The house is so cold that ice freezes on the windows on the inside.

Today I got a call from this agency and they informed me that not only was my mom first on the list but that he felt certain they would receive the grant money by July or August and my mom would not freeze during the winter again.

Words can't express the emotions I have right now. My mom is seeing Jesus in a mighty way. I told her my friends where praying for her and that God would hear us and answer our prayers. Today I called to let her know the good news and for the first time I could hear a sigh of relief like never before. She has seen Jesus today...she has hope that she has never had before. Thank you so much for praying. Those men told me they didn't have time to come and see her but for some reason they just felt like they needed too.. Praise God for favor in my mom's life.

Please continue to pray that I can show my mom the true meaning of a relationship with God. She knows all the things about God but doesn't know how to have a personal relationship with him. I am very excited to think God is working out a way for our relationship to be restored and His relationship to begin.

The man told me he will be submitting the request for my moms house next week and will know the answer by July or August but feels assured he will get the grant money. Please pray for favor with the gov't so that this money will be received and my mom will get the new house she desperately deserves.

God is so good... He is always working on our behalf.

Here are some pictures of my mom's house.

If you notice the middle of the porch is swaying to the middle. Almost every room in the house is down hill and boards are popping up everywhere before the house is shifting so bad and the nails can't hold the boards down any more.

I can't wait until the day I can send out pictures of her new house. God is so good. He is so faithful. I have been praying for this house for 10+ years.
