Things going on...

Well its June already, half the year is almost here already. Time is flying by. I have been extremely busy trying to work as much as I can to raise money for my family and I to go to Nicaragua this July. God has blessed me with extra work for this purpose, now we need extra work for our business. Please keep that in prayer.

I had a yard sale two weeks ago and due to the rain and other issues it didn't go so well so I'll pulling everything out and having it again this weekend. Send people my way. I have tons of different things to choose from.

I have also had another jewelry party and although it went well I have a lot left over that I am hoping to sell at the flea market. Please pray I get a good booth there and lots of people buy....

There are a few things I am in need of for this trip I would like to share with you. If you have any of these or know where I can get them for a donation let me know.

1. Baseballs - I need new or used ones. I have been asked for them for the last two trips so I hope I can take some this round. Please share with others you know who are playing sports and see if they have any laying around. I hope to take at least 20 or more. They cost like $20 for 12 at Walmart and those are the cheap ones.

2. Old Laptop - The police department who protects me when I am in Nicaragua is asking me to help bring their office into the 21st century. They do everything on pencil and paper. If you have one laying around that is older and just collecting dust I would love to have it to see if it would work. It needs to be able to run Windows XP at least. I need it as soon as possible in order to get it ready before we leave.

3. Baby Clothes - My friend will have her baby any day now and I want to bless her with any clothes I can. She is one of the poorest people I personally know in Nicaragua and I am hoping to bless her in a way that shows her how much God loves her. I need infant clothes more than anything to fit a boy or girl. Onesies, shorts, tshirts and things along that line would be great.

4. Storage Building - does anyone know one of the local storage building owners? I need a storage building that I can use for free. I can't justify $30 or 40 a month for one to hold stuff for Nicaragua when that money could feed someone. I am hoping to find someone who has connections to one of the owners of a storage company.

5. Bunk Beds- do you know anyone who needs a set of beds? I have a nice set on Craigslist for sell. They are in great shape. Check them out or send this link to any of your friends.

6. Prayer Prayer and more Prayer - please pray for my family as we start another trip to Nicaragua. Logan, Terry and I will be going leaving Jacob and Jordon behind. Please pray for my team members Leigh, and Gwen and their families as we prepare to be unified as a team and plan how we will minister to the people of Nicaragua.

Well that's all for now, don't want this email to be a book.

Thanks for everything so far and all your prayers.
