Nicbound again..

In 2004 I had to set up a Hotmail account. In a hurry I just typed "Nicbound" I was going on my first Nicaragua mission trip that summer and that's what came to mind.

I never imagined at that time in my life that I would be "Nic" bound every time I turned around.

In the first three years that I started working in Nicaragua I could hardly come up with the money to buy my tickets. It always seemed to be a struggle. It's amazing to me that once I finally accepted the call on my life to work there on a regular basis that the struggle was no longer around.

I have gone to Nicaragua 5 times since July and had only gone 5 times prior to that. It is amazing to me. I remember in 2006 saying to someone in Nicaragua, "I pray that one day I can come as often as God needs me to come without it being a struggle every time". God has answered that prayer over and over again.

With that said, YES, I am headed to Nicaragua again.

Remember the lady that is holding up my paperwork? Well she lied again and did not turn it over. In addition to that my case worker's last day was Tuesday and now there is no clear answer to what is going to happen to my case and the mounts of paperwork I submitted. Two weeks ago 1 out of the only 3 case workers was fired and all of her cases are still sitting on her desk. Many of those were adoptions. So now, all my case workers cases are sitting on hers with no one to work them.

Once I realized that it was in our best interest for me to go again I started thinking about mission work that can be done while I am there. I am excited to say I already have some plans to visit a village that needs help and support. This will be the first village that I will be working outside of the ministry I use to support. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to branch out and do God’s will for my life.

I am also considering taking my projector and laptop and showing movies at night in the village I am staying in. Most have TV there because there’s electricity but they have never seen movies about Jesus. I'm considering the Jesus Film Project, the Nativity and maybe another one, in Spanish of course.

What a great opportunity to show them Jesus. Pray with me that this method will really hit home and show them Jesus like they have never seen him. I would love to show Passion of the Christ but most can't read the subtitles.

I only have a week to figure this out so pray God shows me a way to come up with a backdrop to show it on that is easy to take on a plane.

The enemy may be causing problems and trying to delay the adoption but in fact all he is doing is giving me the opportunity to minister more to the lost of Nicaragua.

I leave on Thursday 3rd and return on the 11th. During that time I hope to visit my girls for two days and minister to the village and then return back to Managua and deal with the people holding up the process.

Please pray for:

Safety as I will be traveling alone there and then meeting my translator Claudia.
Protection while I am driving, yes I have to drive in this crazy country this time.
Favor with the people who are holding this process up.
Open hearts to share the gospel of Jesus with.
A backdrop that is portable and easy to set up.
My husband and kids
Good health - no sickness from the food and water there

My attorney was suppose to meet with the highest lawyer at Mi Familia today to find out where in the process is my paperwork so I'll keep you posted if anything changes before I go.

God Bless you all and thanks for praying. I really need your faithful prayers as we walk down this journey together.
