My crazy dream..

Last night I had a very odd dream. One that has made me think, could it be real? Here's how it went. (Keep in mind this dream was based on the time frame of today) In the dream I had posted a comment on my Facebook page that I was headed to Nicaragua again and needed support from anyone who could help.

I soon got a response back from someone that said to me:

"Girl, you must really hate your husband, you're gone all the time." I'd love to help you but I don't believe in giving to help people get a divorce and anyway I can't afford to help myself much less help anyone body else. The cost of feeding my habits is going up every day, if you know what I mean."

Then a second response came that said, "Haven't you gone enough to that place, it sure seems like you are going on vacation a lot lately, didn't you just get back from Haiti".

Then a third response came that said, "Angie, I really think you are just asking way to much of your friends. You know in this day and time we can't just keep giving you money and you just keep asking all the time, don't you think you should let somebody else go?"

The fourth message read, Angie, I really appreciate what you do in Nicaragua but I can't afford to send myself on vacation much less you so please just stop asking for support, it makes me feel bad when I see it.

Many many more comments just like these came in.

Needless to say in my dream I was devastated. How could anyone think I was going to Nicaragua because I hate my husband and how could anyone who truly knows what I am doing feel that way.

These comments led to a great depression in my spirit and a feeling of rejection like no other.

In my dream I called everyone in Nicaragua that I work with and canceled all the meetings that were scheduled and told them I would never come back because people were accusing me of things that were not true and no one was helping me do anything so if I had no support I could not come and do what needed to be done.

The church I work with was devastated, the community of Ceibita was heartbroken and all the children cried. (It was so sad in my dream..)

I woke up in the middle of it and jumped up in bed, it took me 5 minutes to figure out if it was a dream or real. I began to cry, actually sob thinking oh my gosh, am I never going to work in Nicaragua again?

Once I calmed myself down and realized it was just a dream I started thinking about the comments. You know how the devil will play with youy mind and tell you things. Well for an hour I laid and thought about the comments. Do people really feel that way? Do they really know what I do there? Do they understand the lives that are being changed and impacted for Christ? Do they know how many people have accepted Christ? Do they even care?

Many thoughts went through my head during that time and some still do. I know it was just a dream (a nightmare to me) but it did make me think about things and what it did was make me see I am doing exactly what I am suppose to be doing.

Yes I just went to Haiti and I ask for support and yes I am going again to Nicaragua on the 25th and I am asking again for anyone who can support this trip to please help me do so. I can't do this without support, I wished I could but I can't.

So for those who might think those crazy things that was in my dream know that I love my husband with all my heart and we are NOT getting a divorce and these trips are NOT a vacation from anyone. It is very hard work, long long days and nights of work in a very hot country and emotionally draining beyond what I can explain. No idiot would do this all the time if it was not of God.

I don't just go there to hang out with friends. I go there to encourage the families whose children went hungry today or whose house is falling apart and it's raining on everything they have or the single mom who has no idea how she is going to get her child who is burning up with fever a $2 antibiotic. I go because God tells me to Go and He always has a plan for me when I get there.

This trip I will be meeting with several businesses to learn how to set up a business for Ceibita. The men of this community have come to me with a proposal asking to receive help in starting a business to make tile for their roofs. They felt it was best to start the business so they can help the entire communities housees and then sell them to other communities. There  are no tile companies close by and they live on a main road. Looks like they have done their homework. The coolest part is they didn't ask for me to fix their houses, they asked me to help them earn an income and fix them their selves. This is huge breakthrough. Nicaraguans tend to just ask and ask for help but they want you to do all the work and give them the benefits. This community has learned how to ask God's way. I'd like to mention these men are not Christians but their wives are. I see this as a way to reach those men. A way to bring them to knowing the truth of God's love.

So yes I am going again, this trip was planned in December and yes it takes support to get there. I walk by faith that God will provide every time and for 19 times now he has . This will be my 20th trip to Nicaragua. It is a dream come true to serve God in this way.

I am encourage by my dream. I know the enemy would like for me to give up and stop but I can't until God says I can.

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Nicaragua and not have the attitudes of those who wrote on my Facebook, please do so.

We all can make a difference. If everyone on this distribution list gave me only $5 it would pay for my plane ticket or pay to start the business in Ceibita or something else. Every dollar counts and Every dollar adds up.

The last trip I went on, one of you, said to me they were so sorry they could not give me more than $5. Never be ashamed of giving. God says give as you have and let him do the rest. Trust him with your money. Trust him to use it as He desires. Never ever feel you can't support something because you can't give large amounts. That's the way the enemy keeps you from giving at all.

Please pray for me as I plan on going and while I am there. Pray God opens the doors that I need to walk through to help this community better themselves and in the same time find His love.

I seldom get any responses back from these emails so I hope that known of you feel the way the people in my dream did. If you do feel free to ask me to remove you from this list, I'll be happy to.

Thanks to everyone on this list that has sewed into my life. You have allowed God to use your finances in a mighty way. When you get to heaven you will see the lives you impacted and never even got on the plane. Know that every prayer you send up on my behalf, every dollar you sew, every word of encouragement you give, HE knows and will reward you for.

If you would like to sew into this ministry please know I use every penny for ministry things. I put every paycheck from my part-time job directly into it. I am invested into this ministry, I don't just want you to be.

The most important thing you can do for me is PRAY. Prayer makes things happen. Prayer puts me on God's to-do list and the more people prayer the higher up the list I go.

My friend Ashley shared this quote with me and I love it. "Relationships are the wings the Gospel flies on", that's what I'm doing in Nicaragua. Building Relationships.

God Bless,


The Power of One Ministry 198 Mellwood Drive Charlotte, NC  28214 704-236-5550