Blessing my Nicaraguan Church & Friends

My March Trip was my 28th in 10 years. I continue to stand in awe looking back over all the trips. Every time I go I am amazed at what He accomplishes through me and my teams. This trip ranks up there in the top 3 trips of all time,.Gwen Emmett and I spent 7 days working in Somotillo and prior to her arriving I spent 6 days with Ambassadors To The Nations who I work for. It was a long 13 days but very rewarding.

Below is a short preview of our trip to Somotillo and all that God did. I am amazed by all we got accomplished in a very short time. I was privileged to have great team members who didn't mind working long hours. Thanks so much Gwen and Raphie for making this trip one of the best!!!

Gwen and I painted murals for the main church I work with in Somotillo. When I was there in December they built their kids two new classrooms but they were a little dull looking so we wanted to bless them with some color. The walls will soon be painted blue and our boards will be hung. The kids stopped by as we were painting and were so excited to see the changes take place. Click here to view more photos.

Most mission teams who go to Nicaragua tend to bless the little kids and adults but the teenagers who are out of the school age but not married are left out. In December I felt God telling me that these boys are the future of my community and they need to feel and see God's love the same way the little kids do so this trip I blessed them each with new shoes, a t-shirt, new hat and a nice necklace and started the process to minister to their hearts about their future. They were very surprised and happy that this trip they were acknowledged. Click here to view more photos.

The women of my community are truly the heart of the community. They work all day taking care of the house, the kids and their spouses and never have time to take care of themselves. We met with them this trip and ministered to their hearts. I taught a lesson the Holy Spirit and how to feel God's presence all the time no matter what is going on in their lives. We made a windsock with them for their homes so that when the wind blows they'll be reminded He's sending them a kiss on the check. Click here to view more photos.

The teen girls in my community are precious. They are typical teen girls who love to shop and go to the beach. Problem is most have never even seen the beach and shopping is out of the question. They act and think just like teen girls do here in the states and have the same struggles. We ministered to them and reminded them that they don't have to worry about life if they will just put their trust in God. We made a craft with them also and just had girl talk. It was awesome. It's my desire to one day take them all shopping or to the beach. Pray with me for provision. Click here to view more photos.

My baseball team won the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!. When I arrived in the community I was immediately approached by several of the players that they wanted to have a meeting with me. We settled on a time and I went ahead with what I was doing. In my thoughts I just assumed the team wanted to ask me for more support so I didn't get to excited about anything. Needless to say I was very surprised to find a celebration taking place. The men were very proud of their accomplishments and wanted to show their appreciation for my support. I'm really proud of them and one game at a time I'm working on their heart and I'm seeing a major change in their lives. Click here to view more photos.

I have over 100 kids in my community that attend school. Those kids are sponsored by many different people. In January my boss at Ambassadors To The Nations blessed me by allowing me to send boxes for the kids on a container. This was my first chance to do this in the 4 years I have been going to this community and I am not sure who was more excited the kids or me. What a blessing it was to give these kids gifts. It will probably be the only presents they may ever get. I truly appreciate all the sponsors for blessing these kids. It really makes a huge difference in their lives. We had so many boxes my driver had to make two trips to Managua in one day (3 hours each way) and it took us two trips to get them to the community.  After the kids received their gifts we blessed them with a mean to celebrate God's blessings to them. God is so good. Click here to view more photos.

For the past 4 years I have been working at an orphanage where many of the girls I have known for years live. It is always a blessing to hang out with the kids but this trip was especially nice because I also got to send a refrigerator and many other supplies they desperately needed. Imagine cooking for 40 people every mean in pots that we use every day in our house for a family of 4. What a task that has been for them. Now she has large pots and meal preparation will be so much easier. We also made a craft with them to put on their new refrigerator and we played games with them. Had lots of fun and can't wait to see them again. Click here to view more photos.

The first church of Ceibita is beginning to develop one step at a time. First in December the land was purchased and a shelter was built. Now, they have chairs. From money raised by my church body I was able to bless them with 40 new chairs. The families will no longer have to stand to attend church or not come because they have no where to sit down. It's a dream come true for my pastor there and for the congregation. Gwen also made a beautiful banner for the church that hangs at the front and says Welcome. We are believing God now for the walls to complete the church. Pray for provision. Click here to view more photos.

My friend Darling and her family are truly the poorest family I know in all of Nicaragua. They struggle to survive on a daily basis. They have no income on a regular basis and have very little resources to get any. This trip the Lord blessed me with a Solar Stove. it cooks rice in about 2 hours just using the sun. I can't wait to visit her again to see how it worked for her. They were excited to get it since they have no oven and have to cook on a little rock stove. We also blessed them with a plastic tub of many other goodies and food to last them for at least a month. Please keep this family in your prayers.Click to view more photos.

A new home is coming to this family. Maria standing in this picture is a single mom who lost her husband to cancer last year and has no income. She lives in a house that is falling in on her head. My Pastors wife Georgia Melton visited this family with me in December and since she sponsors this families two kids she felt led to build them a new home. This week they will finish the house and this family will not live in a house that has more holes in the roof than it has cover any more. Click to view more photos.

Last but not least.. My prayers have been answered and my Pastor has a NEW motorcycle. It has been my prayer for 3 years to bless this wonderful man of God and this trip I was able to do just that. He travels every week many times by foot, bicycle or bumming a ride to go and preach or work in my community but now he can go when he wants to and not have to worry about begging for a ride. I am so blessed to sow into his life and I can't thank those who helped make this happen enough. God Bless all of you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Click to view more photos.

As you see  2013 has already kicked off to be an amazing year. God has been so faithful to me and the community I support. I owe great thanks for Ambassadors To The Nations for all the support I am receiving from Ms. Karen and Pastor Darey. They have truly been a blessing in my life since joining their staff. They have made things that looked impossible to me in the past a reality. To learn more about their ministry

If you are interested in joining me on a trip this year I will be returning in August and December. Please let me know if you would like to go and be a part of what God is doing in Nicaragua.

Blessings to all of you,
