Power Ranger Toys

Tonight I had the most wonderful phone call I have had in a long time.

My little Oscar was released from the hospital today and when I called to talk to my friend Jimmy he was in his house right beside of him.

Since last July when I first met Oscar he was a very shy child. He has never ever been very outspoken to me until tonight.

Jimmy gave him the phone and out came "Hola Angie" How are you? I could hardly talk to him from the excitement in my heart and it was the same for him. He was talking to me with the so much happiness. It was a moment I won't ever forget. He has been so sick and to hear him talk to me like that was a true gift from God.

I asked him if he wanted me to bring him another Power Ranger toy and what color and out came, Blue, Black, White, Yellow, all the colors, he said with great excitement.

He was yelling the colors out. This from a boy who almost died just two weeks ago. It's so amazing to see God's power working in his life.

If your children/nephews/cousins have any Power Ranger toys they would like to send to Oscar, please email me so I can get them from you. I will need them by July 27th if possible.

If you see any on sale let me know that also.

Thanks so much and continue to pray for Oscar's health as without a kidney soon or another miracle from God his changes at life are slim.

God Bless,
