Hot Dogs, Soda Pops and Watermelon

I remember when I was growing up and eating hot dogs and a drinking a cold glass bottle of Coke. Those were the days. Last week while I was in Nicaragua I was blessed to experience that feeling again through my friends in Ceibita.

We arrive in Nicaragua on Friday the 9th with no issues. It was almost hard to believe since every time I go there is always delays, drama or something to cause me stress.

We traveled to Somotillo on Saturday and meet with the youth of the church I work with to show them how to play games like Americans do. Sack races, jump rope contests, playing popcorn on the parachute and many other games.

As Sunday arrived all the preparations had been done for me and we loaded the van full of teenagers and off we went.

There are over 40 families in Ceibita and all showed up ready to visit with me not knowing we have a surprise for them. There's about 75 kids under the age of 17.

With the help of the youth we had a blast playing games with the women, kids and the dads. It was great to see the dads loosen up, they even had a sack rase as the women played the "Over and Under" game with a beach ball. I laughed so hard I almost cried. This is something they just don't do. They never give up time from working to play with their kids or even enjoy a game for themselves of futbol..

While we were playing friends of mine were busy cooking hot dogs in the house. 274 hot dogs to be exact.

The weather was perfect that day and the food turned out great. We gave each person a hot dog, bottle of soda and a huge piece of watermelon. It was a great treat for them.

Afterwards I talked with them about why I felt led to have this celebration. I reminded them all that God had done in the last year for the community and their obedience and faithfulness had paid off. God had showed them that truly what ever they put their hands to would prosper and all the vegetables were proof of that.

At the end of the business that needed to be addressed I shared my heart with the men about how they were responsible for their families and responsible for the future of their kids. The men are so hard to reach. Most of them I think feel it is only the "Womans" job to be in church and accept the Lord. It's a culture issue and one hard to break.

Terry shared with them as well about how it is his responsibility as the head of the household to lead his family.

I prayed with them and much to my surprise one of the men came forward and accepted the Lord. He even told me he would go to church on Sunday. I was floored because I really didn't expect any of the men to respond. In addition to that man, 14 others came forward. Teenage boys and girls and several mothers. It was a wonderful end to the afternoon.

Thank you for prayers I truly felt them and needed them.

Praise God that 14 more have their name in the Lambs Book of Life.

More stories to come.

Check out the pictures from thsi event HERE.
