Merry CHRISTmas to Everyone

Today was our Christmas day for my family because we will be heading to Grandma's tomorrow. Please pray for us as we travel into an area that has about 12-15 inches of snow even after 3 days of melting. I have been so busy since I got home trying to get ready for Christmas and packing to go home that I have not had time to write details about my trip. As soon as I came home and my feet hit the floor I have been going and going and going.

I am happy to say that we sent 49 kids to school instead of 36. It was amazing and as soon as I can get my pictures ready I will post them. Most of these kids had never even wrote in a car before. It was so special. The kids faces were filled with excitement and the mothers eyes filled with tears. It was one of the most rewarding moments for me. The comments from the parents made me cry often but the hugs from the kids took that sorrow away and turn it into joy. It was truly an amazing site to see.

The families in Cebieta are eating their new peppers and tomatoes and other vegetables was we speak some will be coming in this week and next. They were so happy to see the fruits of their labor. We had a celebration with them and they gave me a "key" to the city and made me an official "Nicaraguan" . It was very special to see them excited but the cheers did not come from the excitement of seeing their gardens it came from the distribution of the bibles. I was able to give them 35 bibles with a notebook and 2 pens and a gallon size baggie to protect them if it rained. During the celebration the Pastor was preaching and the families were finding the scriptures like pros. It was a site to see also.  Each week the local church brings them 15 minutes into town in the back of a truck for services and every Monday they have bible study under the big tree. This is what my time and efforts is all about. They are only 35 people but they will soon be 350 or 3,000, just because people care enough to invest in their future.

We also showed the movie Facing the Giants to over 100 teenagers and many adults. It was a great night also because we were able to bring all the teens from Cebieta and another community to the movie. Most of them had never even seen a TV before much less a large movie with Coke and donuts. It was such a blessing to see their faces as the big screen came on. They will never forget that night.

There were 4 people that night accept the Lord as their savior. Many wanted to but we all could tell it was the temptations of upcoming parties and peer pressure that keep them back. It was obvious there were several people who were causing distractions in the crowd. I spoke that night and I can honestly say I have no idea what I said. The entire night before I prayed and prayed and God gave me nothing. When I took the mic to speak I prayed again and God said some amazing things from me. I was told later that things I said moved their hearts and helped them to see my heart in a very different way. I hope it opens the door for many other times for them to see the real Angie. The one that loves them.

I got to go to the orphanage and bless all the kids there. 5 of my girls from the House of Rose live there and it was such a blessing to see them as all have grown so much. I took presents for everyone to make sure they all knew they were special also. There are many teenagers that live there and have no family at all so getting gifts from someone was a real treat.

I also saw my girls Carmen and Isamar and Karen. All are doing well and growing like weeds. All are learning to function in their new homes as it as been an entire year already since they left the orphanage. It gets harder and harder for me to see my girls. I love them so much but I am not sure if I can continue seeing them. Their focus seems to be more on what I am giving them than who I am. It's sad but it's Nicaragua. We will see. My heart can only take so much.

Today was a huge blessing also. My church feed 100+ people from the community who received food assistance each week from our church. I had the privilege of serving them plates of turkey and dressing with all the fix'ns and give them a box of food as they left. It caused me to miss Nicaragua real bad.

I challenge each of you this season no matter what your situation is to truly take a look at the blessings God has given you. Unless you are homeless right now and on the streets you are a very BLESSED individual. This time of the year the world pushes in our heads that we have to have certain things in order to be happy and have a great Christmas. I ask you to focus on what you already have not what you don't have.

God gave his son to us as a FREE gift. That same son lived and walked on this earth just like us but I bet there is no where in the bible you can find a word about him wishing he had anything. It is real easy to get depressed and sad about what we don't have, I know, I have done it and felt that sadness many many times in my life and I also know it is real easy to say what I am saying if you are not in need. I remember being encouraged by someone once and I knew for sure she had everything her kids had asked for under her tree and the entire time I was thinking YOU HAVE NO IDEA LADY... But I do.. I know exactly what that feels like.

My challenge to you is to look around you and ask is there anybody in my life that needs Jesus this season, is there anyone who needs to be encouraged. Find them and make a difference this Christmas on behalf of Jesus. Teach your kids to give to others who have nothing. Invite a neighbor over for dinner or take them a pie. DO SOMETHING to show them Jesus this season, it will change your life and theirs.

Since this is the end of the year I want to make sure each of you know how thankful I am for the support you have given me this year. It has been a very amazing and difficult year all at the same time. Without your support, love and prayers this ministry would be nothing, instead together we illustrate the POWER OF ONE.

Merry Christmas to everyone and May your 2010 be the beginning of great things in your life.

God Bless all of you, Dios le bendiga,

Angie, Terry, Jordon, Logan and Jacob

It's Hurricane Season at the Honeycutt House

Remember my statement "No Rain, No Rainbows". I should have known if I confessed out loud God's goodness the enemy would hear me and act on it.

I am not sure what you believe but I believe that the statement in Ephesians 6 is truly happening in my life.

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Each trip that I have gone to Nicaragua I have strong battles before I leave. As God has increased my ministry so have the battles increased.

The rain has come and gone each time. Some times its just shower after shower and other times the storms are so hard I can't see my nose in front of my face. Each time I have tried hard to pass the test and to be honest most times I have failed. I am learning each time that I must be stronger and stronger when the storms come because they are going to come.

The Lord reminds me of the story in the bible where the disciples were in the boat and Jesus was asleep. The stronger the storm came the more fear they had.  Some days lately I know how they felt. Other days I see where they should have spoken to the storm and told it to stop.

Did he not give us the same power as him? He told the disciples you will do the same as I did and you will have the same power I had through the name of Jesus.

If that is true, then why do we shake and tremble during the storms? I truly wished I knew why some days I am hard as a rock in my faith and other days I let the storms knock me right out of the boat.

I can truly say that I am excited about what God is going to do when I get to Nicaragua. Even in the midst of a very strong set of storms I can praise Him. I have never seen the devil work so hard as he is now.

Here are some examples of my storms. (I don't like to share personal things by the way, but if I don't share my tests, how will you understand my testimonies)

1. The soccer tournament is a week away. I have been collecting soccer uniforms for my 10 teams and as of yesterday I was 3 teams short. How could I take uniforms to only 7 teams. Which 7 would I chose from?  Sounds petty? Put yourselves in my shoes. Where in the world can I get 3 adult size sets of soccer uniforms with a week to go?

2. Remember those two boxes I shipped to Nicaragua? They were due to arrive last week and as of yesterday could not be found anywhere in Nicaragua. All my equipment for the tournament are in those boxes. As of 5pm this evening the boxes have been found but will not be delivered until the 27th, after the soccer tournament.

3. Remember a little over a month ago my son Jordon wrecked his car? Well it is totaled and we had to sell it for salvage for $150 and we had to take  a loan out to buy another car for him. We purchased a more expensive car for him than the one he had, got a loan payment for the first time in 15 or more years and as of yesterday this new car has had to be parked because something bad happen to it and now it is going to cost me over half of what it is worth to fix it. $3 - 4,000 possibly. Obviously, not going to happen considering we have had no income since June 13th.

4. The boy who translates for me in Nicaragua was blessed to purchase a car this year. He has worked very hard and saved for a very long time. He has been the one taking Oscar back and forth to the doctor's office to get the blood tests for me. Today he informed me that his car broke down on the side of the road and it took 4 hours until someone came to help him. He then had to push it out of the road and drive his friends car home. In the frustrating moments he didn't see a pole and backed into it and damaged the bumper of his car. He barely has the money to buy gas much less fix his car.

I could continue to tell you more storms but this email will go on and on so now I would rather share how I choose to see these storms.

1. I had received 3 sets of uniforms from a company when I first started this project in March. I emailed him and poured my heart out and just ask him if he could help to please consider doing so. Yesterday I got 3 sets of uniforms delivered to my house. Now all 10 teams will be receiving "new to them" uniforms...

2. Those boxes are GOD's equipment. He owns all of the stuff. He is in control of this tournament and if I am to have them there, THEY WILL be delivered on time. He blessed me with the tons of equipment for these boys so it's his problem now not mine.

3. The car is the property of God. I reminded him today, His car is broke and he needs to fix it. I choose not to worry about it. Some people have no cars.... We have at least 2. Who am I to complain?

4. After talking to Carlos about his car I reminded him that he is a new driver and dents are going to come. Don't worry about fixing something you might break it again. He agreed it would save him money if he did not worry about it.

5. Oscar is doing well and the doctors are preparing him for the next phase. His mom is getting the tests she needs. Go has blessed me so far with enough money to pay for the needs so far. I know more will come but we don't have an estimate right now. So with this miracle alone our faith should be encouraged.

As you can see the winds are blowing very hard in my life. We need your prayers and agreement with us as we continue to trust God. He has never let us down and he won't now. Yes things look very hard right now and yes we have no idea how we are going to fix the car or even pay for any part of fixing it. This is our down time and our income level has almost run out but still we stand strong and SPEAK to this Storm and command THEM to leave us alone.


Your constant prayers are so needed. As strong as I can be today, tomorrow I may be very very weak. Just ask some of my friends this week... but together we can hold each others arms up.

Is the SON shining at your house or do you have storms? I'm expecting a rainbow how about you?


No Rain No Rainbows...

Have you seen that Sprint commercial where Push to Talk people are controlling this ladies wedding? In the  commerical she walks to her reception area and it is raining and she immediately says to "why is it raining?" The scene cuts to the man with the water truck and he turns off the water saying "NO RAIN, NO RAINBOW"...

God spoke to me one day while I was watching that and he reminded me that without storms in my life His glory can not shine near as beautiful.

I have had my share of storms lately. Here are a few..

1. I found out last week Oscar was in a coma and they had sent him home to die. 2. I have been having medical issues that has caused me to be so tired I can't hold my head up some days, causing it to be very hard to go to work and live a normal life. 3. My car is having issues and today Terry had to take out the radiator and will now have to pay $200 to fix it. 4. Yesterday an ambulance driver called to inform me Jordon had totaled his car and they were on the way to the hospital. 5. I have been working with the hospital in Nicaragua trying to determine what the fees are for Oscar and they went from $500 to 1300 back down to $1045 all in one week. 6. I found out that the place I booked for our mission trip next month put down the wrong dates and now we have to find another place to stay which causes the price to go up a great deal more. I'll stop there.. Nothing major to freak out about and some storms turned into showers and others were all out tornadoes..

Now looking at all of the different storms in my life I choose to look for the Rainbows..

1. Oscar came out of the coma and is doing ok. He is very swollen and in the hospital again where he will stay until he passes or gets a transplant. 2. Jordon is ok and made it through a terrible accident with only cuts and soreness. His head left an indention in the broken windshield but he had no neck or head damage, just a head ache and cuts on his arms. 3. No one in the other car was hurt and praise God their car is not totaled. 4. I was told it will cost $200 for a new radiator but my neighbor got me one for $121. 5. I have made arrangements for a new place to stay in Nic and got a great deal on airfare so after all is said and done I will actually save money compared to the past trips. 6. I visited a church last week in Gastonia and their VBS kids of only 20 raised $407 collecting Nichols for Nicaragua and others there gave donations and I now have $700 of the $1045 that I need. Praise God... He is so close now. I will wire $800 tonight to get the match test started. We will know in two weeks if his mom is a match or not. 7.  The doctor says my B12 is very very low and hopefully once it is increased I will feel a lot better. It's been 3 weeks and I have been taking B12 every day with some relief but no where near 100 percent.

I can choose to look at only the rain in my life and the thunder and lightening some days or I can smile knowing that the "SON" will come out and a beautiful RAINBOW will appear at the end.

How are you looking at your storms?


Divine Appointment #3

I have previously written about divine appointments that God has set for me and this past week he did it again. Check this out and tell me God is not the director of all things.

In February when I went to Nicaragua I had felt God's nudge to go and visit a very well known Pastor in Somotillo. I knew of him and he is well respected in the community but I had not had a need to work with him until now.

We tried to contact him to set up a meeting but had not had any luck. Out of no where the opportunity arose late one evening. Upon arriving to his house (which is also a mission house) I found another team from the US. Hearing English speaking people arose my interest. I immediately said Hi and carried on with my meeting.

To the back of me was a man who was busy writing I noticed him but only for a moment. I shared with the pastor the vision God has given me about not just coming to Nicaragua and helping families and then leaving. I truly feel we are doing things wrong. We are teaching these families to trust in the Americans and not God. We all have great intentions and great motives but we are truly not looking at the big picture.

After several minutes the American group left the area and went on to bed but before they left the man behind us passed me a note. I put it away and thought I'd just read it later. That note was from Pastor Frankie Tanner the pastor of Mechanicsville Baptist Church in Darlington, SC.

He had tuned into our conversation and heard my vision about the garden project in Coffradia. Being a garden growing lover and a talented one at that this peaked his interest.

When I returned to the states I called Pastor Tanner and shared my heart with him and found that we both have the same vision of how we should work to grow the kingdom of God. I shared with him the financial need to get the gardens up and running for the village and that money was truly the biggest need I had right now. It was going to take at least $700 to help them get started.

He shared there was man in his congregation that he wanted to share my needs for the garden project with and he would get back to me. Many days passed until we spoke again until last week.

About a month ago God really spoke to me and told me he was going to open doors no man could close for me and since then I have been waiting and expecting those doors to open so after my conversation with Pastor Tanner I thought this may be the beginning of many more doors to open.

Last Thursday Pastor Tanner called me to say that the man in his church had called and told him that he wanted to help me with the garden project.

Apparently this man has and I quote Pastor Tanner, "Has gone through Hell and back last year" and has seen the harvest of his faith and Gods blessings. He not only wanted to bless one village but he sent me enough money to bless two villages. I received a check today for $1500 to help Coffradia and another village.

Can you believe that? Just think how appointed that meeting I had was. I was so tired that night. I wanted so bad to go on to bed but knew it might be my only chance to meet with him. I could have missed God's blessings. I could have missed out on this opportunity all because I was tired.

God has opened every door I will ever walk through but it is my place to walk. Faith is an action verb. We must ACT on it. Not just SIT and wait.

I am so humbled to see what God has in store for me in the months to come. I have many other divine appointments to tell you about. It's amazing what God will do when you are Willing to be Willing..

Allow God to make Divine Appointments for you.. He will if He knows you will go to that appointment..

Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory That your hand would be with me and You would keep me from evil That I may not cause pain so God granted him what he requested.

Prayer of Jabez - Ist Corin. 4:10

Tell me about your divine appointments.. Give testimony to what God is doing in your life. Don't just smile and say that's amazing. Tell people. Encourage others.

A great thanks for those who help with the families and now I have enough to take care of all of them. I had a meeting yesterday and all of the families are so excited to know they will eat their own food again soon.

God Bless all of you,


Hope for the Hopeless...

I had the pleasure of going to a Chris Tomlin concert on Thursday (Thanks again Karen..) and in one of his songs he sings about God giving Hope to the Hopeless. It says.. You're the Light in this darkness You're the Hope to the hopeless You're the Peace to the restless You are

There is no one like our God

I have found this statement to be so true in my life lately and I pray He is that to you also.

Hardly any of us here in the US know what it is to truly be Hopeless. We have so many opportunities to succeed. All we have to do is ask in most cases and there is some organization or some government office that will step in and help. (In most cases that is).

For my friends in Coffradia that is not the case at all. They have no options. No churches to lean on for help when things are tight, no United Way or Red Cross to step in when their homes are flooded out by the heaving rains and most importantly no Food Banks to help feed their hungry kids.

Sponsorships for the families are very low and I do understand why but then again I don't.

Here we are the month of April when for a Christian the time is most celebrated. Next Sunday we'll put on our new clothes, new shoes and go to church. We'll give our kids those precious new Easter baskets full of toys and candy and we'll remember that on that die Christ died for us so that we will HAVE eternal life and the blessings that come with that.

I do not want to offend anyone here by stating this but do you really think God wants us to commercialize the day Christ was risen? The world has turned Easter into nothing more than an big Pink Bunny...and we as Christians have bought into it. We spent lots of money on those new clothes and baskets when Jesus says come as you are..

Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with buying new clothes when they are needed. I will have to buy my own sons new shirts soon and they will most likely wear them to church but I won't buy them just because it's Easter.

What is Easter really all about? What are we teaching our children Easter is? Most kids only think it's time for the Easter Bunny to come and bring them candy. It is so much more than that.

It's a time to be thankful and give honor to the Lord. It's a time to share our faith with others and teach them what Easter really is all about.

I heard someone today on the TV say they won't be going to church this year at Easter because they can't afford new clothes.. How sad... How sad it is we have made the lost feel unwelcomed on Easter because they don't have money for new clothes.

So what does this have to do with Coffradia and the gardens. A Lot..

Instead of going shopping for new Easter clothes and a new Basket for the kids, have your kids count the change in the penny jar and roll it up and sponsor a family who needs the materials to be able to grow food that they will eat. It's only $22 for seeds and fertilizers.

What better way to show them who Jesus really is than to show them His greatest commandment. Love one another, as Christ loves you.

Just something to consider.

Please forgive me if it offends you, I promise the intent is only to challenge you to look at things a different way.


New plants growing in the second round of gardens. dsc01428